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Wing Tsun Kung Fu as a (part-time) occupation?

Classical teaching and learning models appear to cast in stone, yet they are often no longer effective. Entire professions are dying out, and some lines of business are disappearing completely. What school-leaver / graduate can really say today he or she will be doing in five years time? Nobody really knows where things are heading.

But new opportunities are growing alongside well-traveled paths; opportunities for the intelligent and hard working who are not afraid of venturing into new territory.

The transition from an industrial society to a service society is becoming more and more evident. The recreational sector, in particular, is becoming increasingly important (fitness, sports, relaxation, self-development, etc.).
Many people have already achieved a good income, their independence and self-fulfillment in this area. Some have even started new careers, which they would never have dared to dream of in their former jobs. And some have turned their hobby into a profession, or at least into a satisfying secondary occupation.
Have you ever thought of building your future on WT? Well, you'll need to be flexible and enterprising, in addition to possessing initiative and drive.
Are you good at getting along with people? Are you able to withstand physical and psychological strain? Do you have some form of start-up capital - however small?
Do you want to be independent, be your own boss and organize your working hours to suit yourself? Then why not put your knowledge of WT to profitable use?

For more information please contact via e-mail at info at

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